Replacing the Floor in Your Camper: A Step-by-Step Guide

Replacing the Floor in Your Camper: A Step-by-Step Guide

Assessing the Damage and Preparing for Replacement Alright, fellow road warriors, it’s time to put on your Captain DIY cap and dig into the world of camper floor replacement. Picture this: you’re on your epic cross-country adventure, cruising down the open road, and suddenly *CRACK* – you hit an unexpected pothole that could rival the…

The Height of a Fifth Wheel Camper: Everything You Need to Know

The Height of a Fifth Wheel Camper: Everything You Need to Know

Introduction to Fifth Wheel Campers – Understanding the Basics So, you’re considering hopping aboard the fifth wheel camper bandwagon, huh? Well, let me assure you, it’s a ride that’s worth every inch of height! Now, when it comes to how tall these bad boys can get, let’s just say they don’t call them ‘fifth wheelers’…

Keeping Mice Away from Your Camper: A Vital Guide!

Keeping Mice Away from Your Camper: A Vital Guide!

Understanding the Habits and Behaviors of Camper-Infesting Mice Ah, the elusive camper-infesting mice. These mischievous little critters have certainly mastered the art of ruining a perfectly peaceful camping trip. But fear not, fellow adventurers! I come bearing a few nuggets of wisdom on understanding the habits and behaviors of these audacious intruders, and most importantly,…

How Wide Is a Camper? Breaking Down the Dimensions

How Wide Is a Camper? Breaking Down the Dimensions

Understanding Camper Widths: An Overview So, you’ve decided to join the adventurous world of camping and are curious about all the important details, like how wide is a camper? Well, my curious friend, let me enlighten you with an overview that will leave you feeling wider than your average camper. Camper widths range from sardine-tin…